therapy in a compassionate setting
How are you?
Since you have found your way to this site, I assume that you (or someone you know) might not be quite as ok as you would like to. However, rest assured that help is close at hand, because no matter how you are right now, you can get help to move forward in life right here.
Psychotherapy is effective and professional support that helps you gain clarity and gather courage and strength for important changes in your life. Support to help you deal with worries, anxiety, depression, fatigue, stress or anything else that makes things difficult and prevents you from living your life with satisfaction.
Are you ready to receive help? Then I'm here to help you. Call and book an appointment at +45 20323357, write at - or feel free to book online here.
"There is a field beyond all notions of right and wrong. I will meet you there.", Jalal ad-Din Rumi
well foundet therapy
In a compassionate setting
I am a Psychotherapist MPF (member of the Danish Psychotherapist Association), a graduate of the Copenhagen Gestalt Institute and receive ongoing professional supervision. As a Psychotherapist, I therefore adhere to the association's ethical requirements and professional standards, and through supervision, I am also subject to a continuous professional evaluation and professional sparring in connection to my therapeutic work. In practice, this means, among other things, that as a client of mine, you are a assured a quality guarantee, and that both the practical and the theoretical psychological, professional background you will be met with are solidly, scientifically research-based and evaluated and approved by Reflector.
In addition, I am certified in the treatment of stress at the Stress Ambassador, and therefore have a thorough knowledge of the identification, prevention and effective treatment of stress and stress-related problems. Both the issues related to the environment at work and those related to privacy and / or personal patterns and traumatic experiences.
Through the Stress Ambassador, I am also affiliated as a stress therapist at Prima-Care, one of Denmark's largest health insurance companies, which is related to the Danish Health Insurance, offering a competent and quality-conscious healthcare professional network within physiotherapy, chiropractic and psychology.
Additionally, since 2018, I have been operating at Mandecentret as a counselor. Here I conduct conversations with men going through a personal crisis due to a divorce or couple break-up´s – in individual settings as well as in group sessions.
personally and professionally
About me
My name is Kenneth, I was born in Nørrebro in 1968 and grew up on Vestegnen south of Copenhagen. Today I live in Lyngby and work primarily in Hellerup.
I am a Psychotherapist MPF, graduated from the Copenhagen Gestalt Institute and a certified stress therapist at the Stress Ambassador. In addition, I am active in the Danish men's group environment and have worked with personal development and therapeutic processes for a number of years - both in groups and in individual settings. I am alos working as a counselor at Manddecentret, conduct conversations with men going through a personal crisis due to couple break-up´s – through individual settings as well as in group sessions.
I also have a graduate degree from RUC as well as a decades long career from the hectic advertising industry, five lovely children and two ex-wifes on my CV. Furthermore I train and teach Shotokan Karate at Østerbro.
Do you want to know more? Then feel free to ask :)